Monday, January 21, 2013

Monday Night Love.

The hair... Perfect cut for Alexa.
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The clothing item..these leather dungarees from Asos. I am deadly at finding things I love and then discovering they are not available anymore.
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The make-up.
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The song.. I am a sucker for a bit of Roxy Music.

The Shoot.. Cara Delevingne for W February 2013 "Heavenly Creature"(see more pics here)
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Sportswear is everywhere.
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sources: the fashion spot, tumblr & weheartit x


  1. feeling so inspired by this post right now..

  2. Alexa always looks disheveled yet flawless at the same time. How does she do it?! The leather dungarees are unreal.

  3. I love these posts you do.. X

  4. Thanks guys for all your lovely comments! We love doing these kind of posts, lots more to come! x
