So I had to work and didn't arrive till about 7, but Lou had already gone down with our loverly friend Chrisso and her cousin and set up camp for us hurrah!
She managed to catch Lily Allen and told me... ahem ahem " lily looked amazing her clothes her figure jeesh i know its prob something illegal that got her looking like that but she turned up looking hot. She was prob one of the first acts on friday to get a good crowd at the main stage...she played all the favourites and the crowd loved her..."
(ahh the joys of skype..heheh Louise what did you think of lily allen ..bam! copy - paste! brilliant)
Anyhow the first act I headed off to see was Ladyhawke in the red bull tent , and wouldn't you know she'd been canceled. Boo. So, instead we had an aul bop to the Dj set instead then headed off to see Pendulum on the O2 stage. To be honest it was a bit of a scobe fest but they played a wicked set.
Then it was off to the main stage...
Blur played a set which seemed to last for about a million hours. Damo is still a total babe after all these years hehe, They opened with "She's so high" and played 2 yes twooo encores. Talk about pleasing your fans. Take not Kings of Leon. I love ya but seriously, no encore?? BOO!
They put so much energy into their set and played literally every hit you would want (except no charmless man, aw I loved that song)
"Tender" was definitely one of those aw everyone hug and love and sing to the music, hippie / drunk... kinda moments of the weekend.
After blur we headed to get a burger (EM I mean... non fat low carb. celery shake) and bumped into a Canadian girl who'd just met Brody Dalle. Aparently it was easy as pie to get backstage to meet spinarette. Talk about a sickner.
On the way back to the tent I parted ways with my beloved Denim shirt. RIP. It's has gone to the great muddy heaven.
Saturday started off with a quick cup of tea followed by a trip to the funfair. We went on the ferris wheel. I am such an unbelievable baby and wept the whole time. heheh..
After that we headed to the tent for some mild refreshments in the form of Doritos and Tesco value 2.99 flagons. YUM!
So a little ummm merrier we braved the rain and headed off to see the Eagles of Death Metal. Talk about a badass band seriously!
I think this was Lou's first time being completely thrown around like a rag doll in a mosh and she handled it like a pro hahaha!!
Off to the main stage after for the Yeah Yeah Yeah's. By the time Karen O bounced on stage with her band it was torrential. . The rain had really started to pick up by then and was threatening to ruin everyones fun. But to be honest it was pretty gas. Karen's stage outfit / Make up was amazing and her smile didn't leave her face once. Great set with maps and zero being two of the high points.
After we began queuing to get into the pit. We got in just in time for Elbow who were the biggest surprise of the weekend for me. They were just so modest and couldn't believe that such a big crowd would brave the rain to see them play it was really nice to see a band being so appreciative of everyone showing up for them. As Lou said in the post earlier the rain stopped as they played their song "one day like this" . Another great moment!
After Elbow the crowd were gearing up for Bloc Party to arrive on stage. They put on a great performance, with "the prayer"being my favorite. We very nearly got smushed to a pulp in the pit. It was pretty ridiculous really, if a band has started and they are one away from the head line act don't try and push your way to the first row it'll just cause an accident. Which I heard there were a good few close calls with people being pushed to the ground in the mosh.
Call me old but I've been going to this festival nearly every year since I was 13 and have never seen the pit as full as it was that night. Me thinks the security were too lax about the entire thing...
After that was KINGS OF LEON!! EEK! and in case you didn't notice we kinda love them LOTS!
We looked like drowned rats at this stage, but to be honest we did so much jumping around it didn't matter. The set was perfect (except they didn't play revelry which they generally don't live or milk...but I hate that song hehee) But I felt like there was something missing. Maybe it's cause they were being filmed for MTV or maybe because they slowed all their old songs down for some reason... but it just felt like their hearts weren't in it :( it made me sad at the end because I should have been freaking out about how amazing they were and I kinda felt a bit cheated. This is just my opinion tho I think Lou was pretty chuffed. Heheh mere feet from Caleb Followill...swoooon!
P.S. We totally missed Natalie Portman who was in the pit too, damnit!
Back at the tent we felt like we would never ever feel warmth again. Sadly our tent had become a victim of the weather and collapsed and flooded hahahah seriously like cut us some slack!! Good thing Lou had driven, we packed up and loaded into the car for a really good night's sleep heheh.
Sunday morning we had been told that Calvin Harris had been canceled so decided to get rid of the reast of our booze, well you know we had to leave it behind otherwise and ...well ... waste not want not.
So on our way into the main arena when we heard his final song it's clear to say that we were more than a little peeved. Stupid Chinese whispers!!
So we trudged over to the Heineken bar which had a RIDICULOUS rule that you had to buy a pint for €9. Well €6 for the pint and €3 for the reusable glass that it came in . Apparently it was trying to be eco friendly. Hmmm yea right heino, how much did you pocket from that scam? How about donating all the €3s you made to an environmental charity? hmm thought not.
Anyhow from here we watched Lady GaGa. My god that woman just tries so hard and yet still ends up looking like a madonna impersonator circa Immaculate Collection Tour...seriously her try hard bum hanging out and really pointless stories just to say "i was sooo high" a million times left a bitter taste. Yuck. She got a huge crowd though and managed 3 costume changes. Great boots too, damn.
Afterwards it was on to Friendly Fires in the Hotpress new band tent, then KATY PERRYYY!! a wa hoo! love her! loved her amazing pink leopard print onesie. LOVED her giant inflatable strawberrys and cherry chapstick that she threw into the crowd. Love the fact that she did a swap for her inflatable things with a giant blow up willy that was surfing over everyones head.
She really interacted with the crowd and had a lauuughh! That's what we're all about here in glamrocks towers. Takin the piss, and man can she do it in styl-ee.
So over to the virgins for a while , heard some of the ting tings , had every intention of going to of montreal but we got tempted by free booze...
After which we headed over to the act I was waiting to see all weekend. Florence and the machine. It was in the red bull tent again and seriously, it was jammers. I got caught in a surge so did lou, so we got completely separated for the set. She was about an hour late onstage , but it was sooo worth it .
Finally, after a weekends worth of great bands and shows, we saw an amazing one. Everything added up.. The stage, the crowd, the set list , the atmosphere, and most importantly Florence was in top form . She's twenty freakin two. Younger than us. SICKENER.
Then it was on to see our final 2 bands (well mainly one, kinda saw about 2 seconds of the killers and wept with boredom.) NIN. Trent may look like a soccer mom's wet dream now, but they still rocked the shit out of the place... of course march of the pigs was the crowd lou did some serious head banging which was GAS.
So to sum the weekend up we would have to say wet but gas. Short shorts and designer wellys.... Scobe fest to the max (which is why we didn't bring our nikon and why there are very few pics!!)
But we did have our very first outing with the diana so finger crossed we got some nice shots with that...
If anyone was at the festival leave us a comment about yer thoughts xx
Band pics Hotpress Magazine
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