The outfit harems, vest top & bag from Warehouse Scarf, shoes & sunglasses from Topshop Bracelets from (Now i want those shoes in yellow too!Damn you Topshop)
The latest round of editorials from the mags have not jumped out at me (Lara & Freja by Terry??- What was that?) so thank God for Stevie Dance and Russh magasine. I love this.....
How cute is she modelling for Chanel in the 1990's with her Mum Yasmin ... the pink onesie is adorable! Amber is stunning just like her Mum ...that hair!
"My motto is you get out of life what you put in. If you're a person who sits in front of the t.v and wastes life, nothing happens. You need to go away and engage with other things. I don't sit around doodling fashion drawings- If I did I'd run out of ideas"Vivienne Westwood (Marie Claire interview)
The Outfit Playsuit from Accessories & converse from (how cute is the pineapple bag~perfect for the summer) The Hair The Place The Song